HOW DO I PROTECT MY IP? Useful commercial guidance on what to consider when starting a new business or launching a new product range extension for an established business. By Joel Barry
USEFUL TIPS WHEN LAUNCHING A NEW BRAND When launching a new brand businesses often look at what steps they should take in order to protect it, but the bigger question is - can they use it? By Joel Barry
HOW LONG DOES BUSINESS INTERRUPTION INSURANCE CLAIMS TAKE? Business interruption claims have been on the rise since the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. This is all you need to know about making a claim. By Michael Cotter
WHAT IS A TRADE MARK? Key factors to consider when choosing a new brand or a brand for a new product or service. By Joel Barry
HOW DO I APPLY FOR A TRADE MARK? What are the four key things you need to consider before filing a trade mark application? By Joel Barry
HOW CAN I TELL IF I AM AN EMPLOYEE RATHER THAN A CONTRACTOR? Key issues in the gig-economy era. By James Wilkes
IS MY TRADE MARK DISTINCTIVE - HOW CAN YOU TELL? An introductory explanation about what makes a strong trade mark. By Joel Barry